Time to go bananas
Hey it's my favorite time of the year! Pre-Chinese New Year! Why? Because things literally shut down in Hong Kong. To the point, most shops are closed and the roads are cleared out. You literally have to wind down. Well tomorrow is the last day when you're supposed to clean out your house and well I'm well on my way to clearing out my room. It's been a month since new year's and my room is a mess!
So much has happened, events, gigs, travels, it's been a jam packed January but very fruitful. Learned a lot about my skills, my boundaries as well as my interests.
I've had the privilege of speaking at so many events including Garage Society's Professionals redfined.
Island School's #futurED.
Man at this rate I'm totally get spoilt because I really thoroughly enjoy these sorts of things because I get to take away so many new ideas as well from all the others there!
Oh did I tell you, I went on a shopping frenzy while I was in Kuala Lumpur doing the Stand up for Education 2.0 comedy shows? With the currency exchange rate in my favor, for the first time in my life, I went shopping without looking at the price tags until I paid. Now granted when I paid, I was like "OK, maybe we don't need this and don't need that", but man it's a whole different experience when you just buy without letting price determine if the item is something you want.
Retail therapy, I totally get it. But bankruptcy is definitely a risk in that treatment.
Well it's CNY time and it's the year of the monkey. Everyone is in very creative spirits since the monkey is a mixture of cheeky and fun, so that's what I've been doing recently. Trying my best to just be silly and do weird things every now and then. Tonight as much as I have a tonne of stuff to get done, I'm doing it 5-at-a-time. As in 5 tasks at a time, then I reward myself either with some random snack (the last snack was a scoop of peanut butter...yes I know, that to me is tasty on its own) so yeah I still have time and no idea what the next reward will be. Perhaps a banana?
Anyway, here's to great health, wealth and fun times for the upcoming year ahead!
So much has happened, events, gigs, travels, it's been a jam packed January but very fruitful. Learned a lot about my skills, my boundaries as well as my interests.
I've had the privilege of speaking at so many events including Garage Society's Professionals redfined.
Island School's #futurED.
Oh did I tell you, I went on a shopping frenzy while I was in Kuala Lumpur doing the Stand up for Education 2.0 comedy shows? With the currency exchange rate in my favor, for the first time in my life, I went shopping without looking at the price tags until I paid. Now granted when I paid, I was like "OK, maybe we don't need this and don't need that", but man it's a whole different experience when you just buy without letting price determine if the item is something you want.
Retail therapy, I totally get it. But bankruptcy is definitely a risk in that treatment.
Well it's CNY time and it's the year of the monkey. Everyone is in very creative spirits since the monkey is a mixture of cheeky and fun, so that's what I've been doing recently. Trying my best to just be silly and do weird things every now and then. Tonight as much as I have a tonne of stuff to get done, I'm doing it 5-at-a-time. As in 5 tasks at a time, then I reward myself either with some random snack (the last snack was a scoop of peanut butter...yes I know, that to me is tasty on its own) so yeah I still have time and no idea what the next reward will be. Perhaps a banana?
Anyway, here's to great health, wealth and fun times for the upcoming year ahead!
Happy CNY!
Don't forget to buy up AUD now that our dollar sucks!
Yep definitely will! So I can spend and eat while in Melbourne! :D
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شركة رائدة ومتخصصة في مجال مكافحة الحشرات بمنطقة حفر الباطن وضواحيـها ولها سمعـة طيبة وجيدة في خدمات إبادة الحشرات “pest control” وتقدم لكـم أفضل الخدمات بأسلوب حديث وأمان وقوي وفعال مما تكون لـها آثاراً إيجايبـة وقوية للغايـة للقضاء على كافة أنواع الحشرات وإبادة القوارض “Rodent Control” مثل النمل الأبيض والفئران والصراصير والبق وجميع أنواع الحشرات والقوارض بمختلف أنواعـها, الهدف الأساسي والرئيس من مكافحة حشرات منزلك وإبادة القوارض هي المحافظة على صحة الأسرة في المقام الرئيسي والمحافطـة على أثاث المنازل وعدم تعرضـه للأضرار من قبل القوارض وعدم تعرض متعلقاتكم الشخصيـة للضرر. بالإضافة الحيـاة والعيش في بيئة صحـية ونظيفة للغايـة يساعد على الهدوء والسلام النفسي ويدخل السريرة على أهل البيت. هناك نظرة فلسفية “A philosophical perspective” أخرى في مكافحة الحشرات وإبادة القوارض ورش المبيدات في المنازل
خدمات تسليك و تنظيف المجاري بحفرالباطن و شفط البيارت :
وحرصا منا علي حل جميع المشاكل المتعلقه بالنظافه العامه فنوفر لعملائنا خدمات شفط البيارات و خدمات تنظيف المجاري باستخدام احدث المعدات و المواتير والسيارات المجهزه لحل المشاكل السريعه ونوفر جميع أنواع تسليك المجاري اما يدويا وعن طريق احد المتخصصين او عن طريق مواتير الشفط او مواتير الضغط لضخ المياه والتي تساعد علي دفع أي رواسب تؤدي الي انسداد وطفح المجاري ويوجد لدينا فنيين متحصصين ومدربين علي احدث الاجهزه و المعدات لأننا افضل شركة تسليك مجاري بحفرالباطن ونسعي دائما حتي نكون علي قمة شركات شفط البيارات المنطقة الشرقية وباقل الأسعار
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