15 March 2017

Then last mile begins

Well, it's time. I'm down to my last 2 weeks in Hong Kong before heading off to Melbourne for the comedy festival and plunging into the super high risk world of having Cantonese comedy shows nightly for 2 weeks.
That means I have to do every single thing I need to physically be present at done or else everything will have to wait for a month before it can happen (at least still having me involved that is).

The cool thing is, having done this a few years, I know pretty much what to expect and can be pretty well prepared for it, but it still is tough being out of Hong Kong for 3 whole weeks.

On the other hand, a lot of progress this year. My fitness has improved (yay finally!) and I'm snatching 40kgs (ie. 10kg plates on each side) which again is a record for me and probably a warm up for others...ahah.

My work is going well, got a few projects I need to sort out, but comedy-wise, we just invested in the Yamaha DBR-10s so we no longer have to be limited by whatever crappy speakers venues have. A huge investment in both money and also figuring out how the hell I'm going to store it as well as move it to the shows each time lol.

Otherwise, I literally have nothing to say (maybe I'm just a bit mentally exhausted...)

Well enjoy your next 10 days!


Anonymous Alistair said...

Down under? Isn't it 35c there?

19 March, 2017 10:18  
Blogger Vivek Mahbubani said...

nah man, it gets cold in April. Unless Global Warming decides otherwise.

20 March, 2017 23:58  

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