26 March 2017

Time to rock it out

so we're down to the last 1 week before I head out to Melbourne then go to Kuala Lumpur for shows for a whole month! This stuff excites me but also makes me try to pre-plan 1 month ahead which is really, really draining.

So last night we had an awesome Viveknfriends Cantonese comedy show with our brand spanking new audio and light set up. Other than a few issues here and there (thank you ToaBao lights for breaking down on me), it was a very high quality production I must say.

Other than with my band guys and our band room, this has to be the highest production I've done Audio and Visual-wise ever in terms of shows.

And to give you a sense of how fun our show was, here's a 360 degree photo courtesy of fellow comedian Seamus Yim:

And with that, I can only say, in the next 10 days, I'll be in Melbourne!
And in case it doesn't load for you, here's a direct link.  So let's see how much madness I can get through before I get to treat myself to a nice crepe before hustling the crap out of myself to get people to watch our show!

Have fun!


Anonymous Alistair said...

Surely VR is next.

03 April, 2017 05:34  
Blogger Vivek Mahbubani said...

Once I can afford the technology :)

03 April, 2017 07:45  

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