16 November 2017

Vr vr vr vrooom!

It's that time of year again, the Macau Grand Prix and I'm back here tending to the press conferences! I have to say, it's bizarre seeing familiar faces a whole year later and watching how we've changed (read: how I'm balding).
The good thing is I'm not too sleepy/tired even though it's been crazy early mornings so far but I think it's the fact that my body and mind are thinking "we've done this before...so...whatever you're worried about, you don't need to be..."
Tomorrow begins the real madness for me but time flies so fast at the Grand Prix, before I know, it's Sunday and the cars have finished zooming around the circuit.

It's a really weird feeling sometimes when i see familiar faces at familiar events, much like when I'm the ring announcer at fights, I see frequent fans, fighters and refs. I guess that's how human nature is, once we work with a team/people and they get the job done, there isn't really a push or need to find newer ways or improve. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but it's just I'm constantly trying to find newer and better ways to do the same thing so my brain is constantly thinking "how can this be done better?" and then when I come back and see things the same way, it makes me wonder why no one thinks the same as me.

One good thing with all this racing is I'm sure everyone in the city wakes up super early because the engine sounds are LOUD. I'm talking LOUD. Like OMG rock n roll loud stadium concert loud. And when you stand close to the road, you feel the vibration as the cars zoom by you in those split seconds. It's a whole different experience when you actually see them zoom by you and realize how fast they really are going as compared to what you see on TV and think they're pretty fast.

So we're hitting the last legs of the year and man I got my list of things to tend to and get done before we close out 2017! I'm kind of on track, kind of because I'm currently in Macau and there are items that need to be done when I'm in HK so it's still in limbo till I get back next week.

Anyway, if you've never experienced race car events, I strongly suggest you go online and check out some videos and just listen to the sound with headphones to imagine how crazy that is having it right next to you in person.

Oh speaking of right next to you in person, my comedy crew started our own weekly facebook live video stream and episode #1 done. The interesting thing is, it was easier than I expected, I suppose since we're all comedians and we've hung out together for years so things just flow, there just happens to be a camera recording the situation.

If you're up for it, it's on tonight at 9:30pm Hong Kong time (every Thur 9:30pm HK time). I'm in Macau so I won't be on, but I'll be there next week again ready to whip up 45 mins of total nonsensical fun with the gang.

Until then, enjoy your week!


Anonymous Alistair said...

Almost thought that was F1. Of course if Singapore can do it not sure why Hong Kong or Macau couldn’t.

24 November, 2017 06:23  
Blogger Vivek Mahbubani said...

I'm guessing it's partly due to politics and the other half due to the nature of the roads.. The F3 races are already insane in Macau...if you stand on the road side and watch the cars zoom by you, you'll be shocked how the TV screen doesn't do it justice.

24 November, 2017 12:14  

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