Rain rain go away...
... come again another day.
The common thing I used to say when I was a child whenever it would be summer holidays and the day was gloomy, just like today.
On a brighter note, at least the rain pushes the temperature down, after a crazy hot weekend, it's much better now, though soaking wet socks isn't too comfy either.
So for everyone who knows I'm an avid GTD believer, I had a moment this weekend where I hit the golden zero inbox. In other words, I had a moment where I had no more to do's or emails to process. I finally allowed myself to game a bit and the lucky game was Assassin's Creed. At first the game began a bit slow, but that's the nature of all games as you learn it. My game controller made things even more complicated (I've always been a keyboard + mouse gamer) but after playing it for a while, thing have started to get intense and I developed a slight addiction to the game. Well, worry not because work always is able to pull me away from such addictions and well it's a week into this and I don't feel the need to play the game like I did over the weekend. Don't get me wrong, I want to play the game, but if I don't, I won't be itching myself later on with cold sweats all over.
However, my joy of playing Magic: The Gathering from my secondary school days still remains as I find myself always slipping in a game or two at the end of the day. Nope, I'm not playing the card game with the man in the mirror, but vs. artificial intelligence, which works just as well I'd say since I find myself winning and losing 50/50 of the time.
So I guess even if it's raining outside, I've got enough to do on my plate as well as enough to play on my system (thanks to Steam) to keep me going.
So rain, stay, go, it's your choice. But seriously, just keep out of my socks, no one likes that.
The common thing I used to say when I was a child whenever it would be summer holidays and the day was gloomy, just like today.
On a brighter note, at least the rain pushes the temperature down, after a crazy hot weekend, it's much better now, though soaking wet socks isn't too comfy either.
So for everyone who knows I'm an avid GTD believer, I had a moment this weekend where I hit the golden zero inbox. In other words, I had a moment where I had no more to do's or emails to process. I finally allowed myself to game a bit and the lucky game was Assassin's Creed. At first the game began a bit slow, but that's the nature of all games as you learn it. My game controller made things even more complicated (I've always been a keyboard + mouse gamer) but after playing it for a while, thing have started to get intense and I developed a slight addiction to the game. Well, worry not because work always is able to pull me away from such addictions and well it's a week into this and I don't feel the need to play the game like I did over the weekend. Don't get me wrong, I want to play the game, but if I don't, I won't be itching myself later on with cold sweats all over.
However, my joy of playing Magic: The Gathering from my secondary school days still remains as I find myself always slipping in a game or two at the end of the day. Nope, I'm not playing the card game with the man in the mirror, but vs. artificial intelligence, which works just as well I'd say since I find myself winning and losing 50/50 of the time.
So I guess even if it's raining outside, I've got enough to do on my plate as well as enough to play on my system (thanks to Steam) to keep me going.
So rain, stay, go, it's your choice. But seriously, just keep out of my socks, no one likes that.